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Erasmusbrug25 Font

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Looking for a perfect font to fire up your projects? Introducing Erasmusbrug25 Font. Erasmusbrug25 Font is an architecturally inspired display font representing the Erasmus bridge in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The font was created to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the bridge, taking place on the 4th of September 2021. The various angles in the font take their origin from the bridge itself. A bold basis combined with sharp yet subtle line-work make these letters reminiscent of the Erasmus bridge profile; thin as a needle, wide as a harp. The evocative characteristics of the font lean into the industrial nature of the city’s harbour.

Thanks to Daniel Dittmar creating such stunning Font freebie and generously sharing with fellow designers

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Web Font
Commercial use
Home / Fonts / Erasmusbrug25 Font

Erasmusbrug25 Font

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