Home / Fonts / Baxley Slab Serif Font

Baxley Slab Serif Font

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Introducing the Baxley Slab Serif Font, a vibrant and strong typeface available in seven weights with true italics and multilingual language support. Try out one of the Baxley family fonts for your next design project and see how it brings life to your branding, logos, headlines, captions, and more. With its versatile range of weights, Baxley  is suitable for various applications, including tech startups, local events, and sports matches. Don’t miss out on this font and explore its full potential today!

Thanks to Heinzel Std for providing us this free demo so we can try it out! However, this Baxley Slab Serif Font is only available for personal use. So, if you want to use its full features and license, get the premium version as well!

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Home / Fonts / Baxley Slab Serif Font

Baxley Slab Serif Font

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