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Impana Modern Sans Serif

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Introducing Impana Modern Sans Serif Font – Redefining Contemporary Design

Impana Modern Sans Serif is not your average font; it’s a game-changer for contemporary design. Its smooth lines and adaptable style breathe new life into modern aesthetics. Whether you’re working on a greeting card, packaging, brand identity, poster, or any design project, Impana adds an eye-catching and trendy flair that sets your work apart.

Download Impana Modern Sans Serif now and redefine contemporary design with this versatile and stylish sans-serif font!

Thanks to Craft Supply Co. for providing us this free demo so we can try it out! However, this Impana Font demo is only available for personal use. So, if you want to use its full features and license, get the Full version as well!

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Personal use
Home / Fonts / Impana Modern Sans Serif

Impana Modern Sans Serif

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