Item Submission Terms

When submitting your work to GraphicForFree, means you agree to comply with the following terms.

Item File

Your submission must be in .zip format. Any further included files should be restricted to possible licensing information in an easily readable format such as TXT or PDF. All placeholder images can be found at or Please note that because of license restrictions all used images are not included in this download.


The submitted work may not violate any copyrights. This is especially important for the name of the item you submitted, which could violate trademarks or be in conflict with the name of another work. Also notice that any default preview image generated from your submitted work may not violate any trademarks, like company logos.


The submitted item must comply with the License Terms. In short, the item must at least be free for personal use and be allowed to be freely copied and passed along to other individuals for private use.


If you are not the creator of the submitted item, you must have permission from the copyright holder to publish this work on GraphicForFree.


For the sake of clarity, it is advisable but not necessary to include licensing information in the .zip file in an easily readable format such as TXT or PDF. The license should ideally have specific terms for commercial use, modification, and redistribution of your work. If you don’t want to write your own terms, no problem. GraphicForFree offers a set of standard licenses to choose from once your submission has been sent.


All submissions will be reviewed and published if they are suitable to the terms.