Home / Fonts / Magnificiens Classic Serif Typeface

Magnificiens Classic Serif Typeface

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Introducing Magnificiens Classic Serif Typeface, a timeless serif typeface designed by Lettercorner Studio. With its unique and charming letterforms, this classic font is an excellent choice for various design projects, including branding, headlines, logotypes, stickers, and editorial designs. Let Magnificiens add a touch of elegance and personality to your creations, making them stand out from the crowd. Embrace the versatility of this typeface and let your creativity flow freely. Whether you’re working on a vintage-inspired design or a modern branding project.

Magnificiens Classic Serif Typeface is sure to bring a touch of sophistication to your typography.

Thanks to Lettercorner Studio for providing us this free demo so we can try it out! However, this Magnificiens Classic Serif Typeface is only available for personal use. So, if you want to use its full features and license, get the premium version as well!

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Home / Fonts / Magnificiens Classic Serif Typeface

Magnificiens Classic Serif Typeface

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