Home / Fonts / Rag Typeface

Rag Typeface

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Looking for a perfect font to fire up your projects? Introducing Rag Typeface. Rag is a grotesque with an informal tone, drawn to fill a need for something broadly useful, unpretentious, vulgar, a little bit crude, and free.

The family structure is modelled on Arial, which comprises a very functional set of styles. Rag’s italic weights are slightly distinct with some different logic and flair. This font is drawn on Wurundjeri Country, part of the Kulin Nation. The sovereignty and custodianship of Wurundjeri people is ongoing. Make an awesome design using this enchanting font.

Thanks to  Dennis Grauel creating such stunning Font freebie and generously sharing with fellow designers.

File Type
Web Font
Commercial use
Home / Fonts / Rag Typeface

Rag Typeface

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